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subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This is the first comprehensive analysis of the legal effects of EU agreements explored in both comparative perspective and in terms of the ramifications for the legal orders of the member states.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Instead, the authors of this book engage six discrete topics that refl ect the broader currents and conflicts in South African education debates: (a) school choice; (b) school fees; (c) the right to an adequate basic education; (d) single ...
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This publication serves as a roadmap for exploring and managing climate risk in the U.S. financial system. It is the first major climate publication by a U.S. financial regulator.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Die Ausführungen berücksichtigen zudem das individuelle Lernniveau, indem zwischen Grundlagen-, Examens- und Hausarbeitswissen unterschieden wird. Beispiele runden die Darstellung ab.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Die Ausführungen berücksichtigen zudem das individuelle Lernniveau, indem zwischen Grundlagen-, Examens- und Hausarbeitswissen unterschieden wird. Beispiele runden die Darstellung ab.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
En este caso, es un inmerecido honor el que me ha hecho mi muy apreciado y admirado amigo, el profesor Jaime Orlando Santofimio Gamboa, al solicitarme redactar el prólogo a esta nueva obra que viene de concluir, contentiva de su Compendio ...
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
O Direito ambiental, passou a ser visto como disciplina jurídica autônoma a partir da contribuição da Ecologia, por volta dos anos cinquenta do século passado.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Sendo assim, apresentam-se ao público os artigos elaborados pelos membros do GDAC sobre serviços públicos cemiteriais e funerários. Com este sétimo livro, o GDAC mantém seu ideal de produzir pesquisas com elevado grau de ineditismo.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This review of results and insights from different parts of the scholarly literature on corruption focuses on areas where research can guide anticorruption policy.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This review of results and insights from different parts of the scholarly literature on corruption focuses on areas where research can guide anticorruption policy.