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subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Explores the issue of the education of undocumented school children, examining both financial and legal topics.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Appendix II contains tables and statistics on segregation and race and education.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This is the first comprehensive analysis of the legal effects of EU agreements explored in both comparative perspective and in terms of the ramifications for the legal orders of the member states.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Michał Stambulski zasadnie przekonuje, że tradycyjna teoria analityczna jest jak kojot z kreskówki, który, goniąc strusia, wpada w przepaść i nawet tego nie zauważa.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Explores the emerging and complex field of environmental product law and brings in new perspectives for research.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
Se han incorporado: - Las normas interpretativas y supletorias de los Reglamentos vigentes en la actualidad y la legislación de especial incidencia en la organización y funcionamiento real del Congreso de los Diputados y del Senado.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
It is with the greatest pleasure that I add a few introductory remarks to the book of Dr. Mahendra Pal Singh on German administrative law.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
New essays by leading figures from the judiciary, practicing lawyers and academics illuminating the worlds of trusts and wealth management.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This is Volumes I and II of the ultimate guide to international maritime boundaries.
subject:"Law / Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice" from
This unique text deals with the most important legal areas for e-commerce related business in most of the member states in Europe as well as the USA.