Le document présenté répond à la question: quelles sont les espèces d'intérêt pour la pêche présentes en Haïti; quelles en sont les caractéristiques biologiques, écologiques, leur capacité à se renouveler, leur résilience ...
Organização Thiago Hector Kanashiro Uehara Gestor Ambiental, Pesquisador Projeto Mata Ciliar, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da Fundação Getulio Vargas, GVces/FGV Flávio Bertin ...
This book will be of particular interest to researchers and practitioners as well as students seeking in-depth knowledge of the recent history of agricultural trade talks.
This book will also be of interest to the historian and general reader, who will discover that advances in technology have had little impact on this kind of war, and that many of the same tactics the British Army used on the Northwest ...
The new guidelines are meant to protect public health, help evaluate development projects near freshwater and recreational sites and assess potential health aspects of recreational projects.
Apărută la Editura Tehnică în anul 1989 în colecția “Probleme și aplicații pentru ingineri”, lucrarea este utilă inginerilor electrotehnicieni sau energeticieni, oferind formule și modele concrete și originale de calcul.
Writings to observe in hindsight the participation by the Indian armed forces beyond the international borders, reviewing how India manages its national security and how the role of the Indian Army is perceived internationally as drawn from ...