A “meticulously researched” (The New York Times Book Review) examination of energy transitions over time and an exploration of the current challenges presented by global warming, a surging world population, and renewable energy—from ...
Hence, this book is a must-have for everyone interested in obtaining all the basic information on lithium secondary batteries. Lithium secondary batteries have been key to mobile electronics since 1990.
For ease of use, this edition has been divided into the following subject sections: general principles; materials and processes; control, power electronics and drives; environment; power generation; transmission and distribution; power ...
Awarded the Dexter Prize by the Society for the History of Technology, this book offers a comparative history of the evolution of modern electric power systems.
As a result, this book contains the most recent technological developments in industry practice and standards. Watch John D. McDonald talk about his book A volume in the Electric Power Engineering Handbook, Third Edition.
Three-Phase Electrical Power addresses all aspects of three-phase power circuits. The book treats the transmission of electrical power from the common sources where it is generated to locations where it is consumed.
Each chapter is replete with photographs, equations, and tabular data, and this edition includes a new chapter on transformers for use with wind turbine generators and distributed photovoltaic arrays.