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subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
Motivational examples and illustrations are included throughout the book. A library of C++ classes provided along with this book has classes for transmission lines, transformers, substation etc. A CD-ROM with C++ programs is also included.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
Die Autoren Univ. Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing, Dr..-Ing. h. c. Dierk Schröder, Fellow IEEE, Technische Universität München Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Marquardt, Universität der Bundeswehr München
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
The book reviews the design of smart grid systems, their associated technologies, and operations, helping users develop a modern foundational understanding of smart grid systems and many of their advanced implementations, where ...
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
Elektromobilität im motorisierten Individualverkehr "Die automobile Antriebstechnik der Zukunft ist elektrisch [...]". So lautete das Credo der Experten auf dem Fachkongress Elektromobilität 2011 in Frankfurt.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
This book is an invaluable reference source dealing with the general principles of the switchgear function and discussing topics such as interuption techniques, fault level calculationsm switching transients and electrical insulation.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
This highly successful book is now updated in line with the Amendment 2-2022 of 18th Edition of the Wiring Regulations.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
The first book of its kind, Power Converters and AC Electrical Drives with Linear Neural Networks systematically explores the application of neural networks in the field of power electronics, with particular emphasis on the sensorless ...
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
Reinhard Scholz, TU Clausthal Professor Dr.-Ing. Michael Beckmann, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Dr.-Ing. Frank Schulenburg, TU Clausthal
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
Three commonly used FACTS controllers: controllable series capacitors (CSCs) controllable phase shifters (CPSs) and static var compensators (SVCs) have been used in this book to control the inter-area oscillations.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Power Resources / Electrical" from
The design approach here is the same one used in all of John Lenk's best-selling books on simplified and practical design.